August 2020
Annual Report
Dr. Ismail Mohammed Shakir
Randa Yasin
This report summarizes all the partnerships established during the academic year as well as courses, workshops, and symposiums organized during the year.
July 2020
USMLE Step 1 -
Alfaisal Experience Report
(First Edition)
by Dr. Omar Javed Baqal, Nida Suhail, Zara Ahmed
Prof. Khaled Al-Kattan (Dean, College of Medicine)
Dr. Akef Obeidat (Vice Dean, Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Faculty Advisor)
Dr. Khalid Jazieh
Dr. Mohammad Nour Salloum
Dr. Ismail Mohammed Shakir (Director, International Office, CoM)
Randa Yasin (Co-Director, International Office, CoM)
And other visionaries of the Alfaisal Medical Alumni Association (AMAA, now known as Alumni Relations Office (ARO)) for laying down the foundation of this project and selflessly initiating several other initiatives for the benefit of their juniors, their colleagues and Alfaisal at large.

This report contains priceless information about 50+ Alfaisal students who have taken the USMLE Step 1 Exam, pertaining to their academic and exam experience along with critical commentary, senior advice and some very valuable tips to guide you and aid your progress in this journey. Some very intriguing questions regarding the Step 1 score and its correlation with various factors such as a students’ GPA, study duration and much more have been answered. We’ve also supplemented the report with an elaborate and comprehensive list of residency programs our graduates have received interview invitations from over the years in an attempt to highlight their noteworthy experience.