Local Research
Training & Internship Program
A collaborative initiative between Alfaisal University College of Medicine and King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center Physicians and Researchers.
Local Research Training & Internship Program
The Local Research Training & Internship Program (LRTIP) aims to enhance the local scientific research output by connecting physician-researchers at hospitals with competent medical students interested in scientific clinical research. This program is part of the overarching collaborative initiative between Alfaisal and KFSH&RC, and is in alignment with both institutions’ mission, vision, and goals. Since its establishment, the LRTIP program has evolved significantly and has received promising feedback from students, mentors, and the college of medicine alike.
Program Duration
The duration of the internship is dictated by the duration of the research project itself. Students who are efficient, organized, and complete their assignments in a timely manner will be able to complete their projects earlier. To achieve the highest amount of benefit from the program, students are advised to follow through with the research project until its successful completion.
Program Objectives​​​​​
The LRTIP program aims to enhance the local scientific research output by connecting physician-researchers at hospitals with competent medical students interested in scientific clinical research. The main objectives of the program include:​
# 1
Inculcating a culture of evidence-based research practices among medical students from an early stage in their careers.
Encouraging and supporting students and mentors to publish high-quality research in reputable journals as well as to present them in national and international conferences and symposiums.
# 3
Providing a platform for active student researchers to network within and beyond their specialty of interest.
# 2
Mentor & Mentee Benefits
Over the years, the LRTIP program has grown to be one of Alfaisal’s strongest collaborative programs and attracts huge support from the University’s leadership, both financially and practically. Provided benefits and incentives for mentors and mentees include but are not limited to:
# 1
Research support services - such as statistical analysis support, manuscript english editing service
# 2
Sponsorship of
publication fees
# 3
Annual Research Excellence Awards
# 4
Funding support for students to present their high-quality work at conferences
# 5
Access to Alfaisal’s
research collaborators
LRTIP Eligibility and Selection Criteria​

Contact Us
You are welcome to contact us at lrtp@alfaisal.edu any time should you have questions